How to speedrun Minecraft & make it faster? - Information2and4you



 First, you have to learn recipies of important items like planks ,sticks,sword, pickaxe, axe, bread, bow, arrow, waterbucket, eye of ender.

You may also learn how to make nether portal, find baze spawner in fortress.

Steps To Kill Enderdragon -

Gather resources

 Gather some basic things like stone tools and food resources.

Get iron ingot            

To get iron ingots you need to find iron ores in caves or else find a village and kill iron golem.Get atleast 3 iron ingots.

Make a bucket

A bucket can be made by placing three iron ingots in v shape in crafting table.

Find a lava pool

Its a very important step to make portal and reach Nether.

Make a nether portal

Because its a speedrun you donot have enough time to find diamonds and make a diamomd pickaxe to mine obsidian and make a nether portal.To make a nether portal without diamond pickaxe is by using a water bucket and doing like this.

Find blazes

We have to find blazes in the fortress. It is a difficult task to find a fortress, this task is the most time taking task.

Get at least 7 blaze rods

After finding blazes we have to kill them and get blaze rods. We need at least 7 blaze rods to make 14 eye of ender.

Collect gold

 Now its time to collect gold and make atleat one piece of gold armor because Piglins will attack you if you will not wear it.Gold is common in Nether.

Trade with piglins and get ender pearl

Now after getting gold ingots find some Piglins and throw gold in front of them to barter, they will not always give you ender pearl.

Make eye of ender and find end portal

Now, after getting blaze rods and ender pearl ,make blaze powder and then eye of ender.

Save at least 12 eyes

Find end portal by using two eyes and save 12 so that if their is no ender eye so you are not stuck.

Get into the portal

Get into the portal to reach End Dimension.

Destroy tower using bow and arrow

Make bow and arrow and destroy the crystal of towers, by doing this ender dragon will not be able to regain its health.

Kill ender dragon using beds

wear The best way to kill the enderdragon is using bed trick you will need at least 10 to 15 beds if you are's how to kill ender dragon with beds.

Get into the portal

kill Get into the portal to beat the game and there will be a change on the screen and thats it.
You can know about all the biomes of Minecraft click here


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